Take the online course to start your Green Office
With a Green Office, you establish a sustainability office that informs, connects and supports students and staff to act on sustainability.
Unlike volunteer-led initiatives, your Green Office is funded and approved by university management, and is jointly led by students and staff.
Benefits of a Green Office
» Explore if the model works for you
» Get clarity on what steps to take
» Avoid common mistakes
» Design your sustainability office with ease
» Identify funding sources
» Convince university management
Sign-up to the FREE online course to establish your Green Office
5 weeks. One email per week. Unsubscribe at any time. By signing up, you agree to our data policy.
There is currently an issue with downloads within the online course when using certain browsers, such as Chrome and Edge. We are working on a solution. In the meantime, please use Firefox instead or download the Green Office Guide and Toolkit before starting the course: Download Guide / Download Toolkit
Sign up for the whole course above or view each module individually:
What others say
Learn more by exploring case studies of existing Green Offices, or reading blogposts on sustainable university topics. Please get in touch with us, if you have any questions about establishing your Green Office.