Green Office Network Flanders (Belgium)
A partnership with: Duurzaam Educatiepunt (Sustainable Education Spot)
Duurzaam Educatiepunt (Sustainable Education Spot)
Green Office Movement
The goal of our partnership is to strenghten the Green Office network in Flanders, Belgium.
To achieve this goal, we:
- Organize a yearly BELGO Meet-up (a meeting between all Belgium Green Offices)
- Organize other activities, like a online exchange meetings or a field trip
- Support universities of applied sciences with the set-up of a new Green Office
- Working together on the sustainable thesis award
- Support in research on Student Led Learning and transdisciplinary research.
- Promote and support each others activities, in knowledge, resources our outreach
- Work together on finding ways (partnerships, funding etc.) to improve our impact

About Duurzaam Educatiepunt
Duurzaam Educatiepunt is thé expertise center on sustainability education of the Flemish government.
“We want to inspire and motivate people to help build a sustainable society. That is a society in which life is good for everyone, without this being at the expense of future generations and the ecological boundaries of the planet. Or as we like to say: “Enough, forever, and for everyone”. Education for sustainable development strengthens our capacity to shape that sustainable society.”
Besides supporting the funding for the organization of the network of the Green Offices in Flanders, Duurzaam Educatiepunt also supports the Green Offices with knowledge and experience on the “Whole School Approach”. This “Flower Power”-tool is very similar to the Whole Institution Approach that we apply as Green Offices and can be a very powerful support to structurally and coherently integrate sustainability issues into the school organisation.
Katrien Monden, Nadia Reynders, Tobias Bartman and Maartje Zaal are the main collaborators on this partnership. Together with all the Green Offices we work on strengthening the Green Office network in Flanders!

List of Green Offices in Flanders (Alphabetical Order)
- Green Office KU Leuven
- Green Office PXl
- Green Office UAntwerpen
- Green Office UGent
- Green Office UHasselt
- Green Office VUB
- SDG Corner Artevelde
- VKI Green Office

Belgo Meet-up
With the support of the Flamish Government as well as the Copernicus Alliance, we have been able to organize two Belgo Meet-ups this year. The goal of the Belgo Meet-ups is to bring people from different Green Offices together, to learn, inspire and collaborate. We organize exchange sessions, interactive workshops, games, presentations, food and drinks :).
Copernicus Alliance Higher Education Summit
This year, we also participated actively in the Higher Education Summit organized by the Copernicus Alliance that took place in Hasselt. Here, we provided a session, together with Anne Snick from the Young Persons Guide to the Future, Michael Winter from Oikos and Nikoleta Boroń from Green Office KU Leuven. Also, we had the opportunity to meet many interesting people and strengthen our connection with the Flamish Government, Belgium Green Offices and the people from the Copernicus Alliance.