Become a member of the GO Movement!
The Green Office (GO) Movement stands for institutionalising sustainability in higher education by empowering students and staff as change-makers.
Join the movement to achieve this mission together! This page shows you how and why to join, and what the membership consists of. If you are new to the Green Office model, first check out what it’s all about.
Register your Green Office as a movement member
By joining as a movement member you strengthen the capacity of your GO team and the movement as a whole to contribute to our common cause.
Fill out the GO Movement Membership registration form below to apply as a member. We will then get in touch with you to finalise your membership.
Link is temporarily unavailable, please email if you wanted to sign up while the link is unavailable.
These communication channels and information resources allow you to connect with other movement members and to receive support, tips and updates
For registered members
Meet the GO movement community in person* to exchange ideas & experiences, and develop change-maker skills.
(*These can only take place if a Green Office volunteers to organize it with support of SOS, and if COVID measures allow).
For virtual exchanges independent of physical travel, as the movement expands globally. These take place once per semester.
Coordinators or managers of Green Office teams are invited once per semester for 2 hour exchange about topics of mutual interest (high impact projects, good practices, etc). There is also a group on our platform specifically for coordinators.
Are you a (new) member of your Green Office team? Join the Onboarding Call to get to know Green Officers & get insights in how the Green Office Movement can support you.
Meet-up on Thursday evenings to connect with other Green Officers & members of SOS-international!
Join our Open Online Office on Thursday morning from 10:00 – 10:30!
The place for established GOs to connect, share and collaborate, based on topics of shared interest, similar roles or location. Access via browser and mobile app. Request to join here.
Use selected templates, good-practices and guides to save time, boost your efforts and build on the experience of other GOs. You’ll receive access after registering.
Show your community and stakeholders that you are part of the Green Office Movement by using the movement logo on your website, PR materials and social media.
You will receive the high-resolution logo after sending the membership registration form.
Freely available
Receive updates about GO movement activities and resources by signing up for the newsletter.
We recommend that every team member signs up to receive the newsletter.
Your Green Office story doesn’t need to end at your local university!
Join the Ambassador Track to set up new Green Offices, become part of the summit organizing team or spread the model via social media or at conferences and other eventes
Stay connected to the movement and share sustainable career opportunities after leaving the Green Office, by signing up for the GO Alumni Network
Find established and initiating GOs and partner networks that are part of the GO movement. The map makes your GO visible as a movement member and lets you find others close by. It includes links to websites & Facebook pages of members.
Contact Maartje in case your GO or its details are missing.
Showcase and find out how other GOs are organized, what projects they did and what they achieved via the GO case study page.
If you want a case study of your GO to be included or updated, contact Maartje.
A space to share for established GOs*, GO initiatives, and people generally interested.
Join the GO Movement Facebook Group here
(*note that the GO Movement platform is more for active exchange among established GOs)
Solidarity-based contribution
Your financial contribution enables Students Organizing for Sustainability (SOS) to support and connect the members of the GO movement in a way that’s fair and inclusive. The money is used to pay for the working hours of the Green Office Movement Coordinator (as SOS staff) to organise the above-mentioned channels and promote the expansion of the movement. As more GOs join, this may be used to increase GO Movement coordination capacity or offer support funds to GO initiatives or projects.
Considering the varying financial capacities of GOs and GO initiatives, we opted for a solidarity-based model: this means you can choose which amount seems appropriate to you, given your annual budget and willingness to contribute to the movement.
The following movement channels are only available to registered members, paying at least the minimum annual contribution of 180€: the GO Movement platform, online summits, coordinator calls, catch-up calls, the Resource Hub.
No-cost membership can be granted in special cases, like GOs where students are supported in non-monetary ways and the GO has no or a very limited budget (especially in countries where universities are not well resourced). Please explain your situation in the registration form, if you think this applies to you.
Remember to include this contribution in your annual budget.
Suggested contribution levels, based on what existing members contribute (the contributions are paid in advance and per year):
Current members (47)
Netherlands (17)
- Leiden University Green Office
- Green Office Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Green Office Wageningen
- Green Office Utrecht (University)
- Green Office TU Eindhoven
- Green Office Radboud University Nijmegen
- Green TU Delft
- Sustainability Factory – Green Office of Tilburg University
- Green Office HZ Vlissingen
- Green Office RUG Groningen
- Green Office Saxion, Deventer
- Green Office THUAS, The Hague
- Green Hub Twente, Enschede
- Green Office Hogeschool van Amsterdam
- Green Office Universiteit van Amsterdam
- Green Office Amsterdam (Municipality of Amsterdam)
- Green Office OU
Germany (13)
- Green Office Hildesheim
- Green Office Konstanz
- Green Office TUM Campus Straubing
- GreenOffice Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
- Green Office Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
- Goethe’s Green Office (Frankfurt)
- Green Office Initiative Aachen
- Büro für Nachhaltigkeit TU Darmstadt
- Green Office – Nachhaltigkeitsbüro der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
- Hochschule Fresenius Green Office
- Green Office Weihenstephan TUM
- Green Office HTWG Konstanz
- Green Office AB (Aschaffenburg)
Belgium (10)
- Student Green Office ULB (Brussels)
- Greenteam VUB (Brussels)
- Green Office Gent
- Green Office for KU Leuven
- Green Office VKI
- Green Office ULiège
- Green Office UAntwerpen
- SDG Corner Artevelde HS (Gent)
- Green Office PXL (Hasselt)
- Green Office UHasselt
Austria (1)
- Green Office Innsbruck
Belarus (1)
- Green Office BSPU (Minsk)
Brazil (1)
- Green Office UPF (Passo Fundo)
Czech Republic (1)
- Sustainable Palacký
New Zealand (1)
- Green Office Toitū
Norway (1)
- Green Office UiO
Switzerland (1)
- Franklin University Switzerland Green Office