UniTo Green Office


The UniTo Green Office is an initiative of an interdisciplinary group of students and staff members. It aims to lead, coordinate and promote all environmental sustainability initiatives and activities at the university. It is inspired by the Green Office Model.

UniTo Green Office


» Developed an environmental action plan for the university
» Conducted a survey about the mobility behaviour of 15,000 students

UniTo Green Office - Trash cleanup

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Learn more about the Green Office model


A staff member coordinates the Green Office team. Next to the coordinator, 5 research fellows and 5 student employees work in the Green Office. The team also engages student volunteers through a separate organisation, which is a close partner of the Green Office.

UniTo Green Office - Team Photo

Founding story of the UniTo Green Office

The university had two working groups active on sustainability. One focused on energy, while the other one worked on green procurement. A sustainability report had also been published. In 2015, a student from Green Office Utrecht got into contact with members of these groups and shared his experiences with the Green Office Model. They liked the concept and restructured their existing efforts, by hiring student interns and research fellows, and establishing new working groups. As a result, the university established the UniTo Green Office in 2016. There are now 5 working groups (Energy, Green Public Procurement, Mobility, Food, and Waste).

UniTo Green Office - Earth exhibition


The UniTo Green Office is part of the University of Turin, in Italy. 70,000 students study and 4,000 staff work at the university. Upon its founding, the Green Office was approved by the Executive Board. It reports directly to the executive board. In 2017, the Green Office had a budget of €67,500. For more information, you can visit their website.

UniTo Green Office - Leadership Training for ESD