Green Team VUB
The Green Team VUB connects the sustainability department of the Free University Brussels (VUB) to the university community. It carries out projects to engage students and staff. Likewise, it also provides the student perspective in planning and decision-making. The Green Team is inspired by the Green Office Model.

» Organised local food pick-up station with 300 participants and 25 orders per week
» Is running the award-winning Green Impact programme to enhance sustainability among staff members
» Constructed an insect hotel and maintains a flower meadow
» Set-up recycling stations for pens, markers and highlighters throughout the campus

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3 student employees make up the Green Team. The students are supported by a staff-led sustainability department. Together the two teams advance sustainability at the Free University Brussels (VUB).

Founding story of Green Team VUB
The staff-led sustainability department had heard about the Green Office Model from rootAbility. They felt that applying it to the Free University Brussels (VUB) would enable them to engage more with students and staff. Therefore they established the Green Team in 2014 as the “eyes and hands” of the department in the university community. That means that on the one hand, the Green Team engages students and staff in projects. At the same time it provides a student perspective in decision-making.

Green Team VUB is part of the Free University Brussels (VUB), in Belgium. 14,000 students study and 3,200 staff work at the Flemish university. Its Wallonian counterpart, ULB, also has a Green Office. Upon its founding, the staff-led sustainability department approved the Green Team. The sustainability department also currently hosts the Green Team. In 2017, the Green Team had a budget of €30,000. For more information, you can visit their website.