About Anselm Grahl

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So far Anselm Grahl has created 46 blog entries.

18 sustainability events to raise awareness

18 sustainability events to raise awareness Organising a sustainability event is a great way to inform students and staff on sustainability topics. Explore our list of event ideas below to get inspired. You're currently studying or working at a university, and you're

8 sustainability books to learn and get inspired

8 sustainability books to learn and get inspired Do you want to learn more about sustainability or raise awareness? Then read or share these sustainability books from our list below. We've carefully selected the best books on sustainability that challenge your thinking, and uplift

What is education for sustainable development? (Read our short guide)

What is education for sustainable development? (Read our short guide) Education for Sustainable Development provides an exciting vision of an interdisciplinary and learner-centred way to empower students to advance a pro-social and environmental agenda in their organisations, communities and personal lives. In this post, you

12 sustainability teaching resources about green campuses

12 sustainability teaching resources about green campuses Many academic publications on sustainability in higher education exist, but they are often highly conceptual and cost money to access. Check out our list of 12 sustainability teaching resources (in English and German) go get practical insights

8 university recycling ideas to make your campus greener

8 university recycling ideas to make your campus greener Recycling at your university achieves that fewer materials are burned, buried in the ground or washed away into the ocean. Instead, these resources can be re-used again to generate economic value and benefit people. Recycling

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